To be honest I tried to venture onto other things... tried to create other blogs... tried to work on other projects. But here I am, crawling back to the same blog that I thought I'd outgrown months ago.
I wonder if that's just a part of life. It's cyclical, right? You find something, you love it and nurture it, and then you leave it. Only to find it again. -that sounded kind of heavy. WELCOME TO MY BRAIN.
I moved. I don't live in my old room anymore. I live in my new room. I love my new room. I think I've finally gotten it just right. The feng shui feels good. It's small but not too small. I live a bit closer to the beach now in a funky part of town. I like it. I just wish our front door faced west. I don't know why, but it really kills the mojo here. I think at my next place I'm going to aim for a place where the front door faces west.
My landlord is struggling financially and might get foreclosed on. That's gonna be interesting. We'll see what happens but I'm protected through the end of my lease. Just not sure where to go after that. And my new roommate, who I love, might have plans to go back to school, which is awesome. But I might be scrambling for a new roomie. It's a worry for another day, for sure. Just something I thought about the other day.
My roommate has a dog who I love. He's currently sleeping on my rug. I think he likes my rug, which is cool with me because I like having him there. So long as I vaccuum regularly it suits us both just fine. I had been taking Booker (pup) on runs.. until recently, when it started to get dark as I came home from work. I'm going to have to switch over to early morning runs... the light will be a bit better and my neighborhood will feel a little less sketch. In any case, I'm going to have to start motivating myself to get up early enough. It'd be good for me but even better for him. He gets long walks but he's a big dog and can use the exercise when it's handed to him. Last week I took him out during the LA heatwave. We both regretted it, but he gave up first. At one point as we got close to home he just stopped and laid down in the middle of the sidewalk. It was laughable. I let him sit there for a while, laughing, and then I called him lazy and he got up and followed me home. He was ok, though. He's looking at me right now. I think he knows I'm typing about him. God, I love boxers.
About a week ago he had a patch of hair fall out between his shoulder blades. It was worrisome, but we decided to watch it before we flipped out too much. It's grown back now, but it's white as white gets - so he's got this lightning bolt of white fur gleaming just below his neck. It's awesome, he's like a superhero's dog.
If I were a superhero. I don't think I'd want to be invisible. I think I'd just want to be fast. I also think I'd want to glow. And when I'd glow I'd want to get real hot so no one could touch me. I don't know why, it just seems like it would be a cool tell. That way if a bad dude was after me and my glow gave me away, he wouldn't be able to touch me. I'm sure he'd find a way around it but this is my surreality, ok?
For some reason I feel like I've caught you up on the last 7 or so months already. There's not much to report. There wasn't much of a summer out here. I went to a couple of weddings and thought a lot about life. Growing up isn't really something I care to face, and watching my friends dive head first into adulthood was strange. But that's my problem, not theirs. They know what they're doing. I'm just content with the fact that I don't. If you asked me where I'll be in 10 years I couldn't tell you. I could be a million different places and then some. I just hope I like where I'm living. I hope the feng shui feels right and I'm able to do a lot of writing.
Jeez, at 35 I'm not even sure if I'll have kids. That's not really a big deal; tons of people are having kids post-35. But it's a weird thought. It's weird to think of being 35 with kids and it's weird to think of being 35 without kids.
The future is weird.
Signing off. It's good to be back. Good night.