-the energy of the front man? his ability to relate to the crowd? his ability to get trashed on stage and still wow everyone with some serious shredding and impressive chords?
-two drum sets?

-three rotating drummers?
-a cowbell?
-a cowboy hat?
-a duel between a tucked-in shirt and a vest?
-mixing up the band's jazz funk styled original stuff with some quality old time rock and roll - everything from Elvis to Blondie to the Talking Heads?
-being able to play for three hours straight without taking a break? just because you love it so much?
-flat out being able to play. and sing.
-making it look easy.
two. Good bands happen
Maybe you only need one of the above to secure quality status. But tonight we witnessed all of the above. David Garza. Playing at the Continental Club in Austin. Phenomenal doesn't even begin to describe it. You can check him out at www.davidgarza.com but the music there and on myspace doesn't do him justice. His stuff online is all slow and lethargic. Live he's a totally different animal - a much better animal - the type of animal he should be on the internet.
I heard about the Continental Club from a woman at a music store who started up a conversation with me about short hair. She seemed like a trustworthy source.. so Jeff, Melis, and I figured we should check it out, regardless of the band... after all we're never going to recognize a local name here. I wish I could write that woman a letter thanking her for the recommendation. But instead, I'll pay it forward. Next time you're in Austin, go here: www.continentalclub.com -it'll probably be worth the risk.
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