Life. I discovered Adobe Illustrator today. I don't think I've ever really known what to do with it but today I took it for a test drive. I AM IN LOVE. I am. in. love. Hellooo childrens books, you're about to get authored and illustrated.
I already made my first little dude. I kind of love him:

Tons of projects lined up for 2011. TONS. I'm super pumped. I'll be super busy, but one of my goals is to keep this bad boy updated better. And to build myself a website. That's next. And to keep making little dudes like the one above.
I'm going to be shocked if this year doesn't turn out to be one of the best yet. It's already got potential and it's not even February. Make it or break it, baby. This is the make it or break it year. Let's get it started.
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