Saturday, April 11, 2009

Got Enough to Go Around

I've been wrestling with the concept of optimism lately. Actually, let's call it positive energy (because let's face it: "optimism" is SO ten years ago). Here's the statement I try to live by: the energy you put out is equal to the energy you attract. If you think positive, you'll attract positive things in your life. I like that it sounds all scientific, because I get less sass from all of the skeptics and disbelievers (and general pessimists). So lately everything's been turning up Killian. Normally I consider this to be a good thing. But things have been SO eerily awesome lately, that I'm starting to wonder if I'm due for a serious fall soon. I mean, is it possible to maintain this kind of high permanently? Or are we all just stuck in a cyclical pattern from which we can't escape, where things get good, then they get bad, and then they get good again? OR is it just totally meaningless and random? I guess the brunt of my curiosity stems from a question that will never, ever, be answerable: How much of our lives do we control?

And since we decidedly cannot answer that question, what's the point of thinking about it? And if there's no point in thinking about it, then what's the point of worrying if things are going to turn sour? And if there's no point in worrying about whether things are going to turn sour, then there's nothing we can do but to just stay positive and enjoy the moment while it's upon us... which brings us back to positive energy. HA! So maybe "positive energy" or "optimism" is purely reactionary. Maybe we can't control our fate by exuding positivity, but who really cares? As long as you're happy with where you're at while you're at it, then there's no real need to worry about whether your happiness is the chicken or the egg in the "what came first?" equation. And honestly, there's probably no harm in assuming that your positive energy attracts positive events because the truth is that even if the event sucks, you'll come away thinking it was positive in the long-run, and isn't that a more pleasant way to live? I think so.

So I'll conclude by saying that there's no reason for me to think that my life is about to take a turn for the worst. As long as I stay positive, I'll stay happy, and the only person who can manipulate that perception is me. We might not have control over the things that happen to us, but we'll always have control over our reactions to those things. And that is what makes optimism so powerful. AMEN, SISTAH!

I heart this Cold War Kids song, and my favorite line kind of fits this post. So have at it.

"she's laughing like a choir girl. she's laughing like a choir girl. when she doubles over it sounds like hallelujah"


  1. Dammit, I keep pouring more and more positive energy into the world, yet I'm pretty overdue for some good news. A HEARTY MEH.

    But glad to hear things are going so positively for Ms. Killian :)
