Friday, May 8, 2009

The Funz

Alright, so I'm officially amazed at the amount of talent there is in the world. I mean, on the internet. But, you know, also in the world... not on the internet. But let's focus on the internet. Because that's where it's at.

Great intro.

I came upon the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) website where they showcase short films made by various students... and I was blown away by some of the videos up there. The site is kind of slow and needs some work, but once you actually get to the shorts... it's impressive. And I hate being impressed by kids my age, because I should technically be able to create the same type of product, but every once in a while I man up and respect what should be respected despite my ageism.

This particular piece really blew me away. It wasn't the most masterful plot, nor was it the one that made me laugh the hardest (let's face it the funny ones are always the favorites)... what struck me about this short was ingenuity of design. It took me about half-way before I realized that there was no CGI or digital effect use... it just looks like there is. It's visually stunning and the sound editing is really well executed. -And, I'll be honest; I'm a sucker for dance. Hope you like it.

Two things have become evident to me in the last few weeks. (1) Most people get their web-fix from YouTube or Hulu. (2) There is so much unbelievable work out there that can't be found in either place. Thankfully I'm working for a company that's looking to solve that problem. And that feels pretty cool. But more on that at the end of the month. Just, you know, keep this issue on the back-burner. Let it simmer for a while. [insert another cooking metaphor here]

Lastly. Star Trek. Talk about a serious blockbuster. I would totally see it again, it was so much fun. I'll spare you the details. All I have to say is that I was impressed by their decision to use character development as part of the primary plot instead of throwing it into a secondary plot-point. When you see the movie you'll know what I mean - it's amazing how we've all adapted to the traditional blockbuster screenplay format without even knowing it. When you see the movie, something about the timing might throw you, and that's when you'll know that you've come to expect a certain formula from every action movie you see. It's become to ingrained. I'm glad that Star Trek mixed it up a bit. Helps me get lost in the movie and not in my watch. Also, Kirk's pretty hot. So if for nothing else, see it for that. Live long and prosper. (I am immediately embarrassed for writing that)

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